Wikiquote is a free online compendium of sourced quotations from notable people and creative works in every language, translations of non-English quotes.

For example, a movie I watched a couple of days ago, “The Talented Mr. Ripley”.

Tom Ripley

  • If I could just go back… if I could rub everything out… starting with myself.
  • I always thought it would be better to be a fake somebody than a real nobody.
  • You’re the brother I never had. I’m the brother you never had. I would do anything for you, Dickie.
  • I really feel happy. As if I had been handed a whole new life.
  • I could live Dickie’s life for him.
  • Well, whatever you do, however terrible, however hurtful, it all makes sense, doesn’t it, in your head. You never meet anybody that thinks they’re a bad person.
  • [while planning to kill Marge] And that’s the irony, Marge. I loved you. You may as well know it, Marge: I loved you. I don’t know… maybe it’s grotesque of me to say this now, so just write it on a piece of paper or something and put it in your purse for a rainy day. ‘Tom loves me.’ ‘Tom loves me.’

Dickie Greenleaf

  • You know, without the glasses you’re not even ugly.
  • I could fuck this ice box, I love it so much.
  • Now you’ll find out why Ms. Sherwood shows up for breakfast, Tom. It’s not love, it’s my coffee machine.
  • “See Venice and die,” is what they say? Or is it Rome?
  • Confusing cities in the famous expression, “See Naples and die!”
  • I can’t write and I can’t spell. That’s the privilege of a first class education.
  • Marge — Ripley can’t ski. We’ll have to teach him that too. Such low class, Marge. Does this guy know anything?
  • I love the fact that you brought Shakespeare with you and no clothes. Ermelinda says you wash the same shirt out every night. Is that true?


Dickie Greenleaf: Everybody should have one talent, what’s yours?

Tom Ripley: Telling lies, forging signatures and impersonating almost anybody.

Dickie Greenleaf: That’s three. Nobody should have more than one talent. So, do an impression. Tom Ripley: What, now?

Dickie Greenleaf: Yeah.

Tom Ripley[imitating Dickie’s father] ”The only talent my son has is for cashing his allowance.”

Dickie Greenleaf[stunned] What?

Tom Ripley: “Oh, I love to sail, believe me, I love to sail. Instead, I make sailboats, and other people sail them.”

Dickie Greenleaf: Stop! It’s too much. You’re making the hairs on my neck stand up!

Tom Ripley: “Oh, yes, jazz? Let’s face it, jazz is insolent noise.”

Dickie Greenleaf: It’s like he’s here. Horrible, like the old bastard’s here! That’s brilliant! Brilliant! How do you know him?

Tom Ripley: Oh, I met him in New York.

Dickie Greenleaf: Marge, you have to hear this! This is scary. Marge Sherwood, I’d like you to meet my father, Herbert Richard Greenleaf, the First.

Tom Ripley: “How do you do, Marge. Dickie’s made a fine catch. I know Emily thinks so.”

Marge Sherwood: I… I don’t get it.

Dickie Greenleaf: It’s uncanny!

Tom Ripley[turning to Dickie] ”Could you ever conceive of going to Italy, Tom? Bring him back?”

Dickie Greenleaf[confused] What?

Tom Ripley: “I’d pay you if you would go to Italy and persuade my son to come home. I’d pay you a thousand dollars.”